Utopia of Equal Society
Every person is different in terms of genetic makeup, the way she thinks, intellectual capabilities, physical capabilities, emotional capabilities, and social capabilities. Capabilities are rewarded(or punished) during different times of society and also it is dependent on social situations. Capabilities that were rewarded two millennia ago, may not be rewarded now. Also, it is evident that there were and there are discriminations based on the genetic makeup of a person, may it be where a person is born or which kind of region a person is born, and so on.
Current society rewards subtler capabilities of human-like intelligence, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and so on. Thus people who score high on these capabilities tend to be in the forefronts of society and people who do not excel in these capabilities tend to be left out or feel the need to excel on these capabilities. As a result, we are facing an inert imbalance in society.
Let us understand two fundamental attributes of Human beings. Emotion and Logic. Logic fundamentally needs a gradient to differentiate between two entities. If we try to implement egalitarian ideas on a grand scale using Logic only, it would start sounding meaningless. The emotion on the other end keeps building up and is not segmented. It is a continuous rush that humans feel and seldomly logic dominates over it. Logic is based on finding a variant and emotion is fundamentally a continuous rush flow of which may be controlled but it's a continuous state.
I am not a psychologist, sociologist, or anthropologist to understand in depth why humans behave the way they do. However, there is this innate need in humans for justice and equality that it is expressed in some form or the other in every human being's lifetime. No matter how inclusive Humans try to become, trying to become inclusive using just the logic is merely a mirage as the mind is a discriminative machine. The laws that societies have are not always correct or serve justice. Because law itself is information in its fundamental nature. Anything that involves information needs to analyzed and to analyze it needs to be broken. Statistically to analyze one needs to take a sample out of the population to arrive at a logical inference. What is logical may not always be conducive to the overall well-being of society.
For complete equality, there needs to be a society in which there is no information. But no information is really not a possibility as there needs to be some information tagged to everything to make a distinction and live. Probably something closer to equality may happen when everyone accepts the information as it is rather than trying to break it. When vastness and variety of the existence and infinite ways the humans and other living beings are accepted the way they are perhaps then humans may evolve beyond just making distinctions and create a society based on the integration of all the facets of life. Perhaps using emotions as a tool to integrate the society would work more than giving logical solutions to emotional problems. This would in a way pave way for the utopian equal society where justice is served to every being which is a deep-down desire every human has.